Apparently our last email was a bit confusing, in order to make it easier, below are a few things to keep in mind about our membership price rise.
- Q: Who will be affected by the price rise?
A: Old students that are paying less than $50 for 2 classes per week or less than $55 for unlimited classes per week and NEW members that sign up AFTER the 18th of September. If you are already paying $50 for 2 classes per week or $55/60 for unlimited classes per week, then your membership will remain the same. - Q: How do I know if my membership price will be changed?
A: We will be sending individual emails to all the students confirming their interest in keeping their membership active under their new fee. - Q: Does the new membership option of $80 per week affect my current agreement in any way?
A: Not at all. As you are all aware, we do request 30 days notice for any membership hold or cancellation instead of having 3, 6 or 12 months contracts. Due to our gym’s popularity, we quite often have Muay Thai students from other states visiting Sydney interested in training with us. Unfortunately until now, we didn’t have a flexible option that allowed people to fully enjoy our classes unless they were ready to commit to at least a months worth of training since some of our classes are for members only. Students that are willing to pay $80 per week will be able to have unlimited access to the gym and the flexibility to cancel or put on hold at anytime without 30 days notice.
We hope this clarifies any questions about the price rise. If you still have questions, please contact us via email at
Emails will be sent tomorrow to students that need a membership fee adjustment.
We appreciate your understanding.