Intermediate Muay Thai Classes
This is the training session where the champions are made.
The Intermediate/Advanced classes at SRG Thai Boxing Gym are mandatory to all intending to compete/fight for our Academy, and also for those who have been training for a while, have gained some experience in the Muay Thai field and are looking for a harder training session.
Designed to make you want to quit, this particular class has our full squad of Thai Trainers hammering you, making you feel like you should have never turned up for training, and not only physically, but also mentally.
This is what this class is designed for, and we encourage you to NOT TO ATTEND THIS CLASS if this is not what you are intending to get from it.
If you are doing another class on that same day, or happens to be hanging around watching the Int/Adv students getting their work done, don’t be surprised when you see one of them leaving the training area crying. This class is designed to challenge them physically, technically and mentally.
This particular class if FOR MEMBERS ONLY, but it doesn’t mean you decide when to start attending these sessions, YOU MUST RECEIVE AN APPROVAL FROM ONE OF OUR INSTRUCTORS IN ORDER TO ATTEND THESE CLASSES. There are no exceptions, so please don’t push us at the reception trying to gain access to these classes.
IT IS NOT UP TO US, BUT THE INSTRUCTORS ONLY. If you are looking into participating in these classes, simply ask them and they will be happy to point the best way for you to start.
Sign up for a free session
Come and experience your first training session for free! Enter your details and one of our friendly staff will contact you back soon to arrange a time.