It’s time to open the fighting season for our fighters and once again, we will do it in style.
James Kostic and Adam Kaewphaluek have been matched to fight at RWS (Rajadamnern World Series) in Bangkok and we couldn’t be more excited having them fighting at one of the biggest Muay Thai promotions in the world.
Boys will be fighting on the 25th of January and soon we will send all the information about how to watch them live.
Flights, accomodation, training and other daily expenses aren’t cheap so the boys are happily taking any sponsors interested in supporting their Muay Thai journey.
James and Adam will be hosting a 2h seminar this saturday at SRG and funds will be used to cover some of their expenses in this camp. Seminar starts at 2pm and the cost is $50 per person.
If you are interested in attending the seminar, please send a message to Adam (@adamkaewphaluek_srg) and he will put your name on the ateendees list.